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General reflection about Practicum IV

In order to reflect on the general experience of my internship in Practicum IV. I will explain first briefly the initial expectations I had for it. Thus, I will be able to compare it with the final outcomes and see if I achieve it or not


As you know I was assigned in the 4th grade of primary education, I had never been before in this cycle in my previous internships, so I saw it as a great chance to see the main differences among the three cycles, as I already have been in the others in my previous experiences in primary schools. From the beginning, I saw this internship as an opportunityto gain and master the skills required for becoming a professional teacher. However, I must mention, that I believe in lifelong learning, that is why I think that to become a professional teacher, you must keep training, and that every day is a new learning that helps you to improve.

Personally, I believe that the value of the internship is not only that it provides you a level of information about the methodology of the school, also that you receive a true picture of the day to day real life in a school. What means that besides the strong emphasis on the planning and development of the unit plan, that is one of my main goals in the internship, I also expected to develop a critical point of view that helps me to know what aspect I want to do as a teacher and the others that I should avoid. Even though, I have already done three internships more and I have experience working with kids, I consider that observation of teachers in their professional roles is central towards developing a successful internship. That is the reason why one of my expectations was to observe the teacher and try to be engaged with her and the way of teaching she uses. Because having a good relation with your mentor will enable you to become more a part of the class and maybe even teach some tasks apart from the ones of the project I had developed. You must not forget that when doing this internship, I was in my last year of the degree, so my goal was to teach and use the maximum learning opportunities I could have.


Once my experience is over, I can reflect about all those expectations I had in mind and compare it with the reality after the internship. The first aspect I want to talk about with for me is crucial is the mentor. As I said before, I consider that having a cordial relation with your mentor is a key aspect, as it will make that you become part of the class where you are doing the internship. In my case, I do not have any complain about Marta. In fact, I can say that I appreciate her dedication and patience with me, as I have learned a lot from this experience. And what is more important for me, she made me feel involved not only in the class also in the school. From the first day, she said to the kids that I was like a teacher, so they had very clear what was my role. Besides the implementation of the teaching unit, my mentor also gave me the chance to carry out several classes. Now that we are analyzing the different relations I experience, I have to say that with regards to the students I do not have any complain. I consider myself a committed teacher, so after eight weeks getting along with the kids, I felt a bit melancholic when the experience was over. However, as I am doing my internship for Practicum V in the same school, they will see me in the English lessons. In fact, in the playtime or when they are in the corridors they came to me and tell me that they miss me a lot, even though it has been less than one week and they see me each day. Maybe you will seem that this is not important, but for me it is, because it means that they like the “teacher” Helena.


Regarding the teaching unit that I implemented, I was scared at the beginning as I had many challenges when applying it. Such as the fact that the students are not used to work with groups, so most of the times they argue and fight when doing activities in which they are grouped in this way. However, I consider that I achieve the goals I stated as the main ones of the project. Both, me and my mentor, could saw that session by session they were using the strategies I provided them and getting better when working with peers. Another indicator of success for me, was the fact that the students were motivated towards the activity. I consider that the class sometimes has a lack of motivation, so at the beginning I was not sure if the topic of “agriculture” will engage them. But I changed my mind when I realize that is not only the topic what has to make them feel engaged, also the methodology used, even as others. Let me explain and anecdote, that shows their level of engagement. When in the first session I explained the whole project, I introduced them the final product, showing them a model made by me of how a Lapbook looks like. For them the concept of Lapbook was a new one, but I could appreciate that they seem to like the idea. The day after my intervention one of the students came to me and showed me a “Lovebook” he did at his house the afternoon after I explained the concept. My mentor, gave us the chance to show it to the class and the kid explained how did he made it, since I had not explained yet the techniques, he showed us where did he look for videos and finally explained that he name it Lovebook because it was the place where he will write the secrets of love. Honestly, I was amazed, I didn’t expect that situation to occur and all the kids were looking at him fascinated for his idea. Since that moment most of the kids did Lapbooks and bring it to class to show them to the classmates. In fact, the last day of the Practicum IV, the teacher and the students gave me a collection of texts and drawings that the students have prepared for me. My surprise came when I saw that some of the kids did a small Lapbook talking about me. If you do not mind, I would like to show you some, because I am really thankful to all of them, and I consider that if they are able and they want to do a Lapbook is because they enjoyed my intervention.

After the analysing my internship experience, now is time to reflect about my future as a teacher, so we could say that here comes the big question...

After  doing  these  practicum, do I feel competent   to  become a teacher?

Personally, I believe that it is hard to know when are you competent or not. I suppose that the results from the teaching experiences that you apply and the feedback that the different mentors give you are a clue to know which are your strengths and weaknesses. 


Honestly, talking into consideration my perception when I am teaching I feel competent and secure about myself when teaching. In fact, I think that feeling secure of yourself is the key to succeed when teaching. Because if you have doubts about yourself as a teacher the students notice it. However, I believe that you always need to master and continue learning. That is why I feel competent to be in front of more than twenty children and make them learn in a meaningful way, but I also know that in a few years, with the experience I will be even more competent.


But what is exactly a competent teacher? We should reflect about the connotations that the adjective competent has. Many people claim that teachers must possess several qualities to be a competent teacher. When I said I consider myself a competent one, I was mainly thinking in the following aspects. First of all, having an education related knowledge, that is being aware of the subject matter, I teach and must be familiar with the curriculum content. Moreover, having good communication skills that help me to make myself understood. Another big qualities are having interpersonal skills, this quality involves a lot of different subqualities like being emphatic, knowing how to deal with students, even others. In fact, there are many qualities that I competent teacher can have, but for me the important is that a teacher knows what are her strengths and weaknesses so that she works, the ones that are more difficult for her, but potentates the positive ones as well.

Taking all these aspects into account, I consider that doing Practicum IV help me improving as a teacher, mostly in the following aspects:


Having initiative


Being adaptable


Knowing how to make judgements


Engaging students


Valuing diverse learning


Creating learning environments




All in all, I consider that through this internship, I have learned a lot, but there are still some aspects in which I need to improve. That is basically the time management, the attention to diversity and finally ¡ I would like to know more strategies for catching the students' attention and make them be in silence. I must say that I could not have developed my project without the support of my university tutor and my peers that helped me improving my project. Going once per week to a seminar, enabled us to talk and reflect about our projects and that was a guide to know which aspects I should revise. When thinking about all the tasks done through all the seminars and trying to make proposals for improvement of the seminars. It just came to my mind the idea that it is a pity that we do not have more time, as for instance, I would have liked to talk more about my teaching unit with all the classmates as I am sure that they could have recommendedme lots of improvements. So, maybe as a proposal for improvement I would say, dedicating more time towards the improvement of the teaching unit, instead of some of those activities that are not as central as the TU. However, if I have to propose which task we should avoid I would not know what to say, as I consider that all the tasks helped me in one way or another. 

Finally, taking into account all the aspects mentioned related to the Practicum IV and the project of the agriculture that I developed I would give myself a 8.5 with regards to the general practicum process. It is true, that it is a pity that I could not develop my intervention in English. Nevertheless, I consider that the materials created and the activities proposed were suitable for the students and made them be engaged and accomplish my learning objectives. Regarding the different tasks of the university, I tried to do my best in each of them to show the reality of the school where I was doing my Practicum IV and be involved in all the activities carried out in the seminars. 


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