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Challenges that we need to consider in our CLIL sequence 


It cannot be denied that Content and Language Integrated Learning implies many benefits when it is applied appropriately in a school. But here comes the challenge, what are the aspects that the teachers need to consider in order to succeed applying it appropriately?

In the following infographic I will outline some of its challenges in reference to teachers and students issues that CLIL seems to raise. Besides, I will suggest possible ways to overcome those challenges.


First of all, we need to be aware that if a teaching sequence implies a lot of work and effort, a CLIL teaching sequence implies even more. As there are more challenges to take into account when planning it. Thus, implementing with CLIL approach asks for an extra planning, as the teacher faces the challenge of covering language and content. In the current text I will develop the main challenges that can be appreciated in the infographic and how to overcome them.



As we want our students to learn content and simultaneously learn a foreign language, special attention should be taken in how to achieve both aspects.  It is true that both content and language needs to be covered, however we cannot forget that CLIL principle states that it must be placed more importance on the mastery of the content than on the language proficiency.

In CLIL, successful content learning is particularly dependent on language: enhanced language learning is dependent on content learning. For that reason, CLIL teachers need to identify the appropriate content to be taught and obstacles to content learning. It is very important as well to tell the students (L2). It is true that one of the objectives of the areas where the CLIL approach is used is that the students reduce the use of L1 when communicating in that lesson. However, is very important to say clear which is the language use allowed. In order that the students feel confident and comfortable they will be able to reply using their first language (L1). But that does not mean that as the time goes by we will ask them to use the foreign language (L2 as well).

As we want them to learn content through a foreign language, it is important that we keep in mind , so which is our start point. Once we know it, we can see which is the language that needs to be introduced and think about how.

Another key aspect that will help us to deal with the dual focus is . The teacher must be aware of the importance of the language that he/she uses. According to the CLIL principles the teacher must use the foreign language as far as it is possible. However if there are any situations that require L1 it can be used, such as when checking a concrete understanding. But bearing always in mind that the language in which he/she must refer to the students is the foreign one. As it is a dual focus we must ensure that the . So, that language and content are integrated in the same way.



I consider that one of the challenges of CLIL when assessing the students is not to focus more on the mastery of content. In order to not to commit that mistake, we need to promote a of both content and language. A way to overcome this challenge is taking into account in the assessment the that has been done by the students. For that reason, teachers should use a mixture of formal and informal assessment which is both task-based and assignment based.

Moreover, if we want the students to keep improving their communicative skills it is very helpful if we provide them constant . So that they know what do they need to improve and how are they doing.

Obviously, the assessment must be . As well as with the objectives set by the teacher in the teaching sequence and the contents taught. It is important that when we assess language we do it for a real purpose in a real context.

As it was mentioned before, teachers should use a mixture assessment, which means that they must involve different kinds of assessment. For that reason must be used to guarantee the students competence in both language and subject.



As I said before teaching and learning in the L2 is not the same as in the L1. For that reason we need to provide the students with to succeed in understanding. When scaffolding what we are doing is help the language as well as the learning process of the students. Teachers must bear in mind that learners initially need support and guidance until they are able to perform the activity by themselves.

Scaffolding must be done providing clear directions that help the students to understand the concepts and develop the communicative skills. The teacher must provide plenty of support to succeed in understanding.

To scaffold language learning during content classes or the other way around, can be done by . For instance, through the help of visuals, substitution tables, flashcards, unfinished sentences, KWL charts…

For that reason the teacher must plan beforehand preparation scaffolding in accordance of the students need and levels. In addition the teacher must perform simultaneous scaffolding when teaching, helping the students through reformulation, body language and gestures, even others.



Authentic learning is it encourages students to create a tangible, useful product to be shared with their world. That is what teacher should promote in some activities in a CLIL teaching sequence. Learners must be provided with the every opportunity to engage in . In that way the students would feel the need for real and good communication.

All-type of activities should be part of a teaching sequence, to diversify the type of tasks, which goes from listening to task-based activities, even others.



Even tough language and content are the main focuses of this approach; we cannot forget that the students must be . As that would lead to a better attitude and therefore more .With regards to participation, is very important to foster that among all the students, making everybody participate.

In order to achieve motivation teachers must be trying to involve in their teaching sequences.

This idea is closely related with , as making the students work with different grouping can be also a way to motivate them by working with classmates.



Nowadays that we have countless resources, teachers should try to find the best to the students’ needs. Being innovative and using different resources will result in better achievement of the students. As will help the students to build a sense of security in experimenting with language, content, and the management of their own learning.

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